And Now, a Very Special Caturday!

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Peanut and Spensie together. ๐Ÿ™‚

I got Peanut from my cousins as a 3-month kitten. My cousin-in-law had to bottle feed him because he was abandoned at 1 day old… she was very good to him. But like most abandoned kittens, he didn’t learn good cat socialization skills (part of why he’s a bit of a Wild Child). At the time, they had 3 dogs, another cat, a 3-year old child, and a store to run… Peanut was a tipping point, so I was designated (by my Aunt) to take him. I adore them all, so I did. ๐Ÿ˜€

And then the fun started! At that point, Spensie was 12-1/2 years old… he was a little old kitty and very set in his ways. But Spensie was so sweet that I wasn’t worried about his reaction to this little kitten. What should I have been worried about?

How about Peanut thinking it was a good idea to ride Spense like a little furry cowboy? Digging his front claws into Spensie’s neck? Or the fact that Peanut saw Spensie’s tail as a toy, constantly playing with it? Through it all, Spensie never attacked Peanut back (which the vet said is normal with older cats). Unless Peanut was really hurting him (which was pretty rare once I put the kibosh on the cowboy/horse thing), Spensie tolerated the kitten antics and seemed to like Peanut. They never became “best buddies”, but they did have occasional moments like the one in the above picture. ๐Ÿ™‚

Peanut is almost 7 now… I think it might be time soon for him to get a taste of what it’s like to be “tormented” by a kitten… don’t you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Peanut is a good boy (almost always) and Spensie was a really good boy (except when he begged for your ice cream). God has blessed us.


Caturday (starring Spensie)

In honor of our late cat, Spenser, and the anniversary of his birth this coming week, today’s Caturday is his debut on this site. We miss you, Spensie. You were a good boy. ๐Ÿ™‚


I had the joy of having him from 5 weeks old until he was over 17 years old (which is longer than I had my Mom with me). He was friendly, sweet, and very snuggly. Although he’s been gone from us for two years, he will never be forgotten.

He could be Mr. Bowie’s long-lost brother, I think… ๐Ÿ™‚
