Ways of Showing Love

With all of new interests that my little book kickstarted for me, my fella has been so wonderfully supportive! And, one of the greatest ways he has shown his love and support is by taking books (unasked) out of the library for me!!!

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And when I thank him, he hems and haws. I just want to say how much I appreciate it! (I made sure to tell him before I wrote it on here, no worries!)


Ebook FREE ALL DAY 4/26 Too!

In an attempt to maximize my KDP Select days on Amazon, I’m making my book, MURDER IN DEATH’S DOOR COUNTY, free for one more day this week. It will continue to be free today!


Mystery Novel FREE ALL DAY 4/25 & A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Door County

Wisconsin is an unusually friendly state. I don’t know why, but I know that it is pretty universal in this state. Personally, I think the whole Midwest is pretty special and I think what happened this week is pretty rare. As you may know, this whole blog started because of my little mystery novel, MURDER IN DEATH’S DOOR COUNTY… well, this past weekend, a similarly titled book in the same genre was released. A pair of authors, Rosalind Burgess and Patricia Obermeier, have written DEATH IN DOOR COUNTY! Similar titles, no? Yes, similar titles very much so. A little chill went through me when I first saw it. I think a little chill went through one of the two women who wrote DEATH IN DOOR COUNTY, too.

But she, Patty, kindly reached out to me in friendship. I responded in kind. We’ve exchanged some lovely emails and hopefully will meet face-to-face soon. I’m not competitive at all and I think that a couple of good mystery novels that showcase beautiful Door County are a very good thing!

So, if you feel moved to grab my book, MURDER IN DEATH’S DOOR COUNTY, please check out Roz and Patty’s book, too. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love that I’ve made new friends through this whole thing.

The Bed and Breakfast that my fictional one (The Lighthouse Inn) is modeled after. The building, not the characters. ๐Ÿ™‚

Famous Door County sunset in Ephraim.

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Ferry that takes people from Gills Rock to Washington Island.



What we deal with almost daily…

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Peanut is a Tuxedo cat. And, I have noticed that they are particularly curious and active. I’ve heard of other Tuxedo cats being similarly hyper. If Peanut were a child, we’d have him in every sport possible. ๐Ÿ™‚ Regarding the Bugs Bunny cartoons, I think one of the artists must have had a Tuxedo cat… Sylvester anyone?



So, I was honored with a couple of awards… and, sadly, I did something wrong when setting up the page and not everyone could see their awards when I nominated the wonderful bloggers I’ve met along the way… so, I’m posting them on my main page. Sorry for any confusion. It’s all a learning curve.

Wow, I am completely overcome! The wonderful and kind Melanie of http://themotherofnine9.wordpress.com/ nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you so much, Melanie! Please visit her at http://themotherofnine9.wordpress.com/ to read about her and her lovely family! She gave me no tasks to complete, so I will simply nominate the Versatile Blogs I have seen. There are so many, but for today (since I can’t nominate all of them) I would like to nominate the following blogs for this award!

Animal Palooza

Funny Pictures

Door County North

40 Year Wanderer

…and another cup of coffee

The Quoting Catholic

Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book

365 Days of Bacon

Barb Taub


Very humbling…
Thank you so much to CooperDaKat for nominating my blog for the Reality Blog Award. Please visit her site Animal Palooza. Thereโ€™s a lot of great animal videos and information; love the site!

Those who are lucky enough to receive this award, are asked to post the picture of the award on their blog and link back to the person who nominated you.

There are 5 questions that go along with this award so here we goโ€ฆ
1. If you could change one thing, what would you change?
That everyone would follow the Golden Rules: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We all should be blessings to each other.
2.If you have just one book with you on a deserted island, what would it be?
Pride and Prejudice… yeah, I know, while it’s no “how to” manual… at least I’ll have good reading material.
3.What is one thing that really scares you?
I’m so easily startled… it’s kind of pathetic really.
4.What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you will be able to complete it?
I’d like to have my little cozy mystery ebook be made into a Lifetime or Hallmark movie. In my gut, I feel like if I could just meet Tony Shalhoub, I might have a shot (he still has ties to Green Bay, and my ebook is based in the county just northeast of Green Bay). Oh, and I want get my ebook cover design business off the ground by the end of the summer. That, I believe, is completely doable.
5.If you could meet any TV or movie star who is still alive, who would it be?
Tony Shalhoub, please see #4. However, I must be a copy cat of the person who nominated me, and, if I couldnโ€™t meet Mr. Shalhoub for some reason, my second choice would be Ron Howard. Arrested Development ROCKS!

Now, here are a few blogs that I think are worthy (in no particular order)





Wordless Wednesday

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Spring is Late, but Here are Some Flowers!

I don’t where you all are, but Spring is really late in Wisconsin this year! It is actually snowing as of this writing! Snowing! I know, crazy, right? I mean, we are usually done with snow by late-March, early-April. Of course, the latest that we’ve ever gotten snow up here is May 10, 1990… I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen again (it had been 70ยฐF the day before).

But if it does, it does. Although I really long for a nice 60ยฐF day!

In any case, I hope these flowers brighten your day a bit. ๐Ÿ™‚
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Here’s another picture (but Peanut’s whiskers are in the way… he likes to be in on everything going on in our little abode).
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Stay warm!


Love Oil Pastels

OK – I’ve rediscovered completely my love of charcoals and oil pastels! I did enjoy my brief foray into oil paints. And I plan to dig deeper into oil paints after we move into a roomier apartment (I didn’t realize that oils take sooooo long to dry).

While waiting for my oil painting experiments to dry (10 days, no kidding!), I grabbed my oil pastels and charcoals, and got crackin’… here’s what I did:
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And, then Peanut inspected my work:
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I think he approved… it’s hard to tell sometimes… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Obviously, I enjoy nautical themes. I’m working a bigger project right now, in oil pastels. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the coming week. So happy to be creating art again!


Wordless Wednesday (dreaming of summer)

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