Spring is Late, but Here are Some Flowers!

I don’t where you all are, but Spring is really late in Wisconsin this year! It is actually snowing as of this writing! Snowing! I know, crazy, right? I mean, we are usually done with snow by late-March, early-April. Of course, the latest that we’ve ever gotten snow up here is May 10, 1990… I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen again (it had been 70°F the day before).

But if it does, it does. Although I really long for a nice 60°F day!

In any case, I hope these flowers brighten your day a bit. 🙂
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Here’s another picture (but Peanut’s whiskers are in the way… he likes to be in on everything going on in our little abode).
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Stay warm!


Wordless Wednesday (dreaming of summer)

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Saw a Robin!!!!

So happy! I saw a robin just a few minutes ago. And mush that I am, I teared up quite a bit (yes, it is sad but true – I tear up at the drop of a hat). Spring is here, then… right? I mean once you see the first robin of the season, there is officially (well, as officially as you can get in the Upper Midwest) no going back to winter. I think it’s a rule… 😉

The snow is melting (grass is peeping out under the dirty, grey snow). A robin has been spotted. And baseball starts on Monday (go Brewers!).
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And on a side note, GO MARQUETTE!!!!!!!
