Announcement: Ebook Cover Designer for Hire

Sooo… as I’ve gotten back into art and involved in marketing my little mystery, I’ve realized there are a lot of ebook covers out there that don’t do their books justice. I love design and to lend a hand, so I’m putting out my “shingle” as an ebook cover designer. I’ve recently completed my first ebook cover for Michele McGrath’s Manannan’s Magic (a great book – if you like Medieval History, British Isles, and romance, get this book!), which you can see here and on my portfolio page:

And, I want to do more! ๐Ÿ™‚ If you need an ebook cover designed or know of someone who needs one, please let them know about my services. Since I am a new Book Cover Designer, I have a small portfolio, but I do have design and formatting experience. As a Book Cover Designer, I will offer you:

– An Original Cover, guaranteed

– Thorough Review Process (your book is your vision – you MUST love the cover I make for you)

– An excellent artistic eye and strong natural talent

At this point, my rate is:

– a flat fee of $150 for ebook cover AND regular book cover


– a flat fee of $55 for just an ebook cover

Please fill out this form if you are interested.


Ways of Showing Love

With all of new interests that my little book kickstarted for me, my fella has been so wonderfully supportive! And, one of the greatest ways he has shown his love and support is by taking books (unasked) out of the library for me!!!

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And when I thank him, he hems and haws. I just want to say how much I appreciate it! (I made sure to tell him before I wrote it on here, no worries!)


Spring is Late, but Here are Some Flowers!

I don’t where you all are, but Spring is really late in Wisconsin this year! It is actually snowing as of this writing! Snowing! I know, crazy, right? I mean, we are usually done with snow by late-March, early-April. Of course, the latest that we’ve ever gotten snow up here is May 10, 1990… I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen again (it had been 70ยฐF the day before).

But if it does, it does. Although I really long for a nice 60ยฐF day!

In any case, I hope these flowers brighten your day a bit. ๐Ÿ™‚
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Here’s another picture (but Peanut’s whiskers are in the way… he likes to be in on everything going on in our little abode).
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Stay warm!


Love Oil Pastels

OK – I’ve rediscovered completely my love of charcoals and oil pastels! I did enjoy my brief foray into oil paints. And I plan to dig deeper into oil paints after we move into a roomier apartment (I didn’t realize that oils take sooooo long to dry).

While waiting for my oil painting experiments to dry (10 days, no kidding!), I grabbed my oil pastels and charcoals, and got crackin’… here’s what I did:
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And, then Peanut inspected my work:
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I think he approved… it’s hard to tell sometimes… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Obviously, I enjoy nautical themes. I’m working a bigger project right now, in oil pastels. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the coming week. So happy to be creating art again!


Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone! He is Risen! (I should say Happy Easter from Wisconsin also… since the blog that I reblogged was from a blogger in Rome (how crazy and wonderful would that scene be today?))

Travel Relapse

Amazing Art RomeSometimes begin out in the world allows us to see and experience things we would have never thought possible. Many time though it gives us a completely different point of view, one that we would have never had unless we jumped from our comfort zones and headed out into the unknown world. Sometimes this can be a wonderful thing, other times it can be a bit of a pain.

I currently reside in Rome, the center of the Catholic world and a wonderful place to see and experience all that is going on around me. I have so many photos and videos that I will be sharing in the coming days, but unfortunately right now I am stuck in an internet cafe using a computer that for lack of a better word, sucksโ€ฆ

Usually I would strike out to find a good place to sit down and write toโ€ฆ

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The Genie is Out of the Bottle!

Well, I opened up my oil paints and practiced brushstrokes this afternoon. Very fun!!

Two hours went by so quickly (which never happened when I wrote)! Literally – I went to switch the clothes from washer to dryer at 1:30 p.m. … the next time I looked at the clock, it was 2:30. I absolutely lost track of time.

The first “painting” is practicing brush strokes. The second “painting” is also practice… kind of. The last practice brush stroke was to use the palette knife, which I really love. So, the second painting was to explore the palette knife application a little more, using some of my favorite shades of blue. I want to explore it even more. Also, I’d really like to explore using funky implements (forks, bottle brushes, etc) as ways to apply paint onto canvas. So happy about this!
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Turpenoid Natural

Not the prettiest headline, right?

But it is two words that bring me a little joy right now. With the purchase of Turpenoid Natural last night, I can start my oil painting self-teaching endeavor. Well, I should say “self-teaching”… that sounds very ego-y, doesn’t it?

I’m following an Oil Painting course in a book. I figure whatever I don’t know, I can probably find on youtube or some such thing. But, really, art is art. And oftentimes, great things come from mistakes.

So, this weekend, I’m very much looking forward to mixing paints and making canvases brighten up with color. Wish me luck! I’ll post what I make – no matter how ugly it is. ๐Ÿ™‚
